I just want a simple page that pulls the data from a database (got that
working fine, no problem),
and on that page I want to be able to have an option to delete entries. I
have tried what seems
to be the simplest method - using a form text field, enter the appropriate
info, and hit the submit
button. It should then be deleted from the database. I can delete from the
database on the
command line, but getting it to work in php is another story. I keep
getting 'not a valid mysql
result resource' errors. I have 3 php/mysql books and cannot get this to
work. I know it can't be
as difficult as it appears.
My goal is simple enough - I have a database that is populated from online
web forms. It contains
enduser names, addresses & email addresses. I made a form that the
marketing people can use
to view the database, search it and display it in various ways. I also gave
them a form that will
allow them to manually add enduser info into the database. That all works
fine. It's just the doggone
delete stuff that I just haven't got a handle on yet.
Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows the simplest method of setting
this up? That's all I need,
a reference to a location for a tutorial or info on this particular


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