Hi all,

I've got into the habbit of pulling data out of a table something like this:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM cd_review WHERE publish='yes' ORDER BY id DESC
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql);
print mysql_error();
while ($sql_myrow = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result))
  // pull out the data
  $id = $sql_myrow["id"];
  $date = $sql_myrow["date"];
  $user_id = $sql_myrow["user_id"];
  $artist = $sql_myrow["artist"];
  $title = $sql_myrow["title"];
  // edited out about 10 colums for clarity

Now, I reckon there must be a way of automating the task of making the
$title var out of $sql_myrow["title"] etc etc for starters, which would
really help on tables with lots of columns.

Then, it'd be great if I could automate this further to automaticaly to
a stripslashes() on each var, then possibly nl2br() etc.

In psuedo-code I guess it looks something like:

while($sql_myrow = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result))
  // we have an array of one row

  <use a foreach loop to stripslashes() on each element of the array>

  <use a foreach loop to nl2br() on each element of the array>

  <use a foreach loop to take each element (eg $sql_myrow["id"]) and
create a var ($id)>


Of course I'm a way newbie on arrays, and I've read the manual, but am
unclear on the syntax for the above.

Ultimately, I'd like to put this all into a function which I call that
does it all in one hit, but I'll take that in a smaller step :)

Justin French

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