On Fri, 01 Feb 2002 11:46:27 +0100, you wrote:

>I m using PHP 4.0.5 and I try to create a function called "connect" :
>function connect() {
>My problem is I get this :
>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare connect() in 
>/opt2/htdocs/www.mydomain.com/html/connexion.php on line 6
>In connexion.php there is only the function declaration and no require or 

Works ok here.

Hmm... is auto_prepend_file set in php.ini?

Try grepping around and see if you can find anywhere a function called
connect is defined, and rename it. If that works, you know you've
found your culprit.

Does it work if you rename connect() to connectx()? If so, I'd change
it and try not to think about it too much ;)


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