
thank for answering my first question:
> the word "file" indicates that this is represented by an entity in a
> filesystem -- thus, it would be saved to a server.

now let me rephrase the second part.  what i meant to say was the following:

can i insert the actual file (i.e. "document.txt", of course with it
contents) into a mysql?

in other words, i don't want to read the contents of the file and insert the
contents into a field in mysql.  i want to insert the actual file into the
database.  is this possible?

thanks again in advance.


on 3/7/02 12:44 PM, Erik Price at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 04:30  PM, gregory hernandez wrote:
>> i'm wondering if i can do the following:
>> using php, can i create/generate a text file  on-the-fly (not saved to a
>> server)
>> THEN,
>> insert the actual text file (and not its contents) into a mysql
>> database.
> Sorry, but I don't really understand the question.  If you are creating
> or generating a text file, the word "file" indicates that this is
> represented by an entity in a filesystem -- thus, it would be saved to a
> server.  Are you asking if you can create/generate text without saving
> it as a file on the server, but rather just storing the text in memory
> temporarily?  If so, then yes --
> -- and the second question I haven't really figured out either.  You
> want to store a text file into a MySQL database but not the contents of
> that file?  It seems like in the first question you want to have
> contents without a file, and in the second you want a file without
> contents!  :)
> Unless someone else figures out what you want and helps you, ask again
> but describe what you want a little bit more.  PHP can do a lot of
> things.
> Erik
> ----
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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