The problem is not in them being able to overwrite the .htaccess *and* 
getting your FTP password.. those are the cons for both solutions we 
have presented, respectfully.

Right now the ideal solution seems to be this:

save new .htaccess to a temp file
save new .htpasswd to a temp file
use PHP's FTP routines to connect to the FTP server with your 
delete existing .htaccess
delete existing .htpasswd
upload new .htaccess
upload new .htpasswd
close connection

The biggest problem with this is that you have your FTP password in 
plain text in the script that performs this. If anyone for any reason is 
able to take advantage of some kind of exploit that allows them to view 
the source of that file, you're toast. They get ahold of your FTP 
password and have free reign on your website.

I'm open to suggestions.

serj wrote:
> Being that the files are owned by their respective users, I would imagine 
> that would make it pretty difficult for the .htaccess file to be
> overwritten, if someone found a way to overwrite the file couldn't that 
> person overwrite any file owned by the ftp user anyway? also I don't see  
> how someone being able to overwrite the .htaccess file would allow them to
> grab the ftp password, especially if this is all transmitted over ssl.  I
> apologize, I'm not trying to start a flame war that I'm sure I'll
> lose.  But, I am working on a script that does exactly this and if I'm
> doing it wrong perhaps I should begin recoding it.
> josh 
> On Fri, 3 May 2002, Mike Eheler wrote:
>>If someone can overwrite your .htaccess there's a chance they can also 
>>view files through the same exploit (possibly). They could then get your 
>>FTP login info, and do a lot more damage than just removing password 
>>access to an area.
>>Serj wrote:
>>>Im not exactly sure why that is worse, could you elaborate a little?
>>>On Fri, 3 May 2002, Miguel Cruz wrote:
>>>>Thus leaving the FTP account's password in view of the httpd, which is 
>>>>even worse...
>>>>On Fri, 3 May 2002, serj wrote:
>>>>>You could use fopen() to connect to the file via ftp therefore keeping
>>>>>the .htaccess file owned by the user for increased security. 
>>>>>Josh Boughner
>>>>>On Fri, 3 May 2002, Mike Eheler wrote:
>>>>>>It's possible, but is it really recommended? Wouldn't the 
>>>>>>.htaccess/.htpasswd file have to be owned by the apache user, which 
>>>>>>might leave it open to being overwritten by any kind of a 
>>>>>>weak/exploitable script?
>>>>>>Josh & Valerie McCormack wrote:
>>>>>>>I've used the script phtaccess, which I think used the mentioned class. 
>>>>>>>Super easy to use.
>>>>>>>>On Wed, 1 May 2002, Kelly Meeks wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Is is possible to use php to admin a password file used by a 
>>>>>>>>>>.htaccess file?
>>>>>>>>   You should check the File_Passwd class from PEAR.
>>>>>>>>Mika Tuupola
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