On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 05:49:04PM +0200, Sebastian A. wrote:

> function elementContent($parser, $data, $attrs='') {
>         global $tag, $p;
>         $ti = sizeof( $tag ) - 1;
>         if ( $tag[$ti] == 'LIST_ITEM' ) {
>                 $p->ART_ID[] = $data;
>         }
> }

You're not posting enough of your code for us to understand how you got here.

For example, which parser function are we looking at here?  I'm guessing it's the
character_data_handler.  But, it's not supposed to have an $attrs argument.

[OY! I just cought a bug in my online tutorial...  Had an $Attr argument for the end
handler.  Fixed it.]

Also, where's the $tag array coming from?  Why's it an array?  Let alone, why are you 
trying to process stuff in the content handler when it's more effective to handle it 
in the end handler?


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