Yo, Sebastian:

On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 07:26:30PM +0200, Sebastian A. wrote:
> function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs='') {
>         global $tag, $Data, $p;
>         array_push( $tag, $name );
>       while ( list($Key,$Val) = each($attrs) ) {
>         $p->attr_data["$name:$Key"] = trim($Val);
>         }
> }

[cut and pasted from earlier email... --dc]
> > function elementContent($parser, $data, $attrs='') {
> >         global $tag, $p;
> >
> >         $ti = sizeof( $tag ) - 1;
> >
> >         if ( $tag[$ti] == 'LIST_ITEM' ) {
> >                 $p->ART_ID[] = $data;
> >         }
> > }

> function endElement($parser, $name) {
>         global $tag;
> }

> And I just wanted to mention that a lot of that code is from your tutorial

Not really.  You're doing everything differently.  It's a lot less efficient.  More 
importantly, it's not working.  For instance...

What's the point of doing the if == 'LIST_ITEM' check in the character handler rather 
than the end handler?

What's the point of the array push when the data available therefrom is already 
available in the $name variable?


PS:  Please be polite.  Don't top post and only include immediately relevant portions 
from prior emails.

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