I know this has been discussed many times, but I've been hunting through the
archives with very little resolution on the issue.

I've found the following note in the annotated manual:

> Additional notes to my workaround on Q266305:
> I have tested my findings with PDF, XLS, DOC and ZIP. However JPG and GIF
> didn't make IE pop up the download box.  By changing content type from
> "octet-stream" to "force-download" (or some undefined
> type), it will work. Of course, we need to take care of other browsers
> too. Here is the improved code, hope it helps:
> header("Content-type: application/force-download");
> if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "MSIE"))
> header("Content-Disposition: filename=$myfile" .
> "%20"); // For IE
> else
> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$myfile");
> // For Other browsers
> Note: If you are using session together with this download, you will need
> to add the following line BEFORE the code above to make IE work:
> session_cache_limiter("");

1. Is this a widely accepted practice for forcing downloads (a pop-up window
to download a file), given the problems with older versions of IE?

2. Can someone tell me what the %20 is there for?


Justin French

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