On Wednesday 10 July 2002 20:51, Matthew K. Gold wrote:

> Of course, Macromedia recently bought Allaire, so who knows what the next
> version of Homesite will look like...

Dreamweaver MX

They seem to have merged all the editing bits of Homesite in with Dreamweaver.

I must say this is the is best incarnation of DW yet, I've been using it 
since v1.2 and find MX great, especially now they've improved there support 
for CSS positioning in the preview window.

I haven't had time to look into the php side of things on it.

I currently use Zend 2.5 which is a vast improvement over 2. The php/html 
code completion is very good. I got it cheap or I probably wouldn't have 
shelled out that much for it. Zend now have released 2.0.1 as freeware, but 
I'm not sure if this is a cutdown 2 or the full thing, but as I say, this 
really is not reflection of how much better 2.5 is.

I use Zend mainly due to the fact that most of my development is on linux and 
due to the fact that it is java, it looks and feels the same  wheter I'm on 
doze or linux.

For a free windows php editor I like phpedit, which despite it's bugs is very 

I also like ultraedit for general editing, etc...

I haven't tried any other as it would consume far too much time and I 
probably never get any work done.


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