> Martin Clifford wrote:
> > Could someone please explain the difference between classes and
> > and how to use a class. 
> Whether you should like OOP or not is a religious matter, so I will not 
> enter the field. OOP has its pluses and its minuses. It's a technique, 
> not an ultimate truth, although it is often presented as such. And as 
> any technique, it can do wonders and it can do plain bull**t when not 
> properly used.
> Nowadays 100% of my work is OOP based, but I worked some 15 years on 
> functions and I cannot blame those who keep working that way. There are 
> reasons for doing it and reason for not to do it. Get yourself a good 
> clear book, then make a decision.


I have to agree here. IMO, there are benefits in using classes over
functions, and there's benefits in using functions over classes. Once you
get to know oop a little better, you should be able to determine which is
better is any given situation.

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