I am trying some code and it works except I get the following errors...
Warning: Undefined offset: 5 in
c:\www\htdocs\demos\havasuinternet\havasuinternet-lib.php on line 247
Warning: Undefined offset: 4 in
c:\www\htdocs\demos\havasuinternet\havasuinternet-lib.php on line 247
Warning: Undefined offset: 3 in
c:\www\htdocs\demos\havasuinternet\havasuinternet-lib.php on line 247
Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in
c:\www\htdocs\demos\havasuinternet\havasuinternet-lib.php on line 247
Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in
c:\www\htdocs\demos\havasuinternet\havasuinternet-lib.php on line 247

Here is the code, could someone tell me what's wrong. I don't see anything

function HistoricalStock($sym) {
 $LookupURL =
 $Results = implode('', file("$LookupURL"));
 $Data = explode("\n", $Results);
 print '<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"
bgcolor="#6699cc"><tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">';
 foreach($Data as $Line) {
  list($H_Date, $H_Open, $H_High, $H_Low, $H_Close, $H_Volume) = split(",",
  print "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">

 print '</table>';

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