I have a PHP script that queries a MySQL database,
retrieves email addresses, and sends an email to all
members of a website.

The problem is this: the PHP script times out after
sending about 5,000 mailings, and I have to restart it
10 times in order to mail the entire list!

This is an ongoing problem I have had for almost a
year now. I have tried MANY things to make this work
better, which I have outlined below:

1) Upped the Max Excecution Time in PHP from 30 to a
ridiculously high 300 (is this a security issue?)
2) Upped the Max amount of memory a PHP script can
have from 8mb to 16mb
3) Running sendmail in "deferred" mode instead of
"background" mode, and processing the mail queue ever
5 minutes instead of the default 1 hour.


1) The script runs much longer, but still times out.
(One thing I want to make clear, even when max
execution time is 30 seconds, the script does not stop
after 30 seconds, maybe it just means 30 seconds of

2) I have no idea if this is making a difference or
not, does anyone know?

3) Since this means mailings get sent right into the
queue, and not sent right away, the HTTP interface
runs 10 times faster. This would be a GREAT solution
for me, but it has one drawback: when a user signs up
for the site, their confirmation email must be sent
immediately...it cannot sit in the queue until the
next time the queue is processed (at most 5 minutes).

So, I figure I have two options. Leave sendmail as set
to deferred, process the queue every so often, but
find a way to have the confirmation emails sent
immediately. This is really the option I want to do.
The sendmail version I have (latest version), has 4
separate mail queues. Does anyone know how to use PHP
to stipulate that some mailings get sent immediately,
while others are just queued until the next queue run?

Otherwise, I have to set the delivery method of
sendmail back to background, have mailings take 10
times as long from the HTTP interface, and try and
find some way from keeping the script from timing out
and having to restart the mailing.

ANY HELP is greatly appreciated!

BTW, the server is loaded, dual proc, gig of ram,
etc...more hardware has not helped the problem.

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