Hi again,

i got a question concerning OOP, would be nice if anyone could help.

I am trying to build a class that builds SQL statements dynamically like i send 
tablenames, fieldnames, etc and it should build select, insert, update... statements.
e.g. i have a table PERS_DATA with following structur :

ID | FIRSTNAME varchar(40) | LASTNAME varchar(40) | REGISTRATION date | AGE int (5)
(sure it makes no sence to save the age but itīs an example)

Now i want to save postdata of a registerform in this table and it should work like 
this :

$query_obj = new sql_class('insert','PERS_DATA',$postvars);
$db_obj = new db_class();
$db_obj -> query ($query_obj -> sql);

sql_class should instance a check_persdat_postvars_class that sends me a predefined 
error in case the entries of the form where wrong (age not numeric for example)

Now the sql class would have to build a insertstatement like this :

    $fields = "";
    $vals   = "";
    while ( list ( $key,$val ) = each ( $param_arr ) )
      if (!empty($i))
        $fields  .= ',';
        $vals    .= ',';
      $fields  .= $key;
      $vals    .= $val;
    $this -> SQL = "insert into $table ($fields) values ($vals)";

but elements of $vals 'can' be strings and some can be numeric...

Do you think itīs a good idea to make queries to find out about fieldtypes as i need 
that info to set quotes for the string entries?
Or do you think i should predefine it instead in the class that checks the postvars?

Or do you think i have a absolute stupid idea?




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