> I am using session_start() and
> session_register("variablename") . The when I click on
> the back button from the browser it shows me the
> following error:  "Warning: Page has Expired The page
> you requested was created using information you
> submitted in a form. This page is no longer available.
> As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not
> automatically resubmit your information for you.   To
> resubmit your information and view this Web page,
> click the Refresh button. "

That has nothing to do with your sessions. It has to do something with forms
in HTML. If you use the POST method for forms, then the page will expire if
you don't resubmit the values. You can also read that in the text.
You cannot change this behaviour, because your browser does this for you.
To force the browser to resubmit the values, you have to push the Refresh

You won't get this behaviour if the form is submitted with the GET method,
because the variables are then part of the URL (and thus automatically
submitted if you push the back button)


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