I think you add square brackets:
<input name='labtype[]' type='checkbox' value='Hepb_ag'>

so you'd have an array with a numeric key (0-n) and the value of the key
would be the value of the input.

or perhaps you'd prefer
<input name='labtype[Hepb_ag]' type='checkbox' value='1'>

in this case the key of the array would be 'Hepb_ag', and the value would be
true (1).

In both cases, I don't think anything is set for false values... ie, if 3
out of 5 checkboxes are ticked, the array will have 3 items, not 5.


on 25/09/02 4:16 PM, Chris Grigor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Good Morning all
> I need some help as to how to print this array, its input name is labtype
> and they all have differnet values.
> Amylase<input name='labtype' type='checkbox' value='Amylase'>
> <td align=right>Cholesterol<input name='labtype' type='checkbox'
> value='Cholesterol'></td></tr>
> <tr><td align=right>CMV Ab IgM/G<input name='labtype' type='checkbox'
> value='CMV'></td>
> <td align=right>GLUCOSE - Fasting<input name='labtype' type='checkbox'
> value='GLU_Fast'></td></tr>
> <tr><td align=right>GLUCOSE - Random<input name='labtype' type='checkbox'
> value='GLU_Rand'></td>
> <td align=right>Hepatitus B S Ag<input name='labtype' type='checkbox'
> value='Hepb_ag'></td></tr>
> On the page I created if the person selects any of these then it should
> submit it as name=labtype and value="whatever is selected"
> this works.
> Now upon getting this info onto my php script how would I say something like
> for each item in the array labtype, print its value?
> Any help would be really appreciated, I have had a look at a for loop trying
> to use the following
> for ($a=1; $a<50; $a++) {
> echo "<br>$labtype[$a]";
> }
> but this is not working for me. Can anyone direct me in the right way ???

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