Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> Mike Mannakee wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, what problem are you trying to solve?  
>> Including a
>> file is so easy and takes so little time I wonder how this could be a
>> problem.
> Good question, glad you asked.
> I have a header on all my pages. The header is HTML and contains 
> images.    So of course I do an include("header.html") on all my pages 
> ...
> The header is about 20K, having PHP read 20k off the disk everytime a 
> user visits my page seemed inneficient. So I was trying to find a way 
> to get PHP to cache the file in memory so it wouldn't have to read it 
> off disk all the time ...
> I have lots of bandwidth but not enough money to pay for a proper 
> SCSI/RAID disk set. All I have is a poor 7,2000 IDE HD. So the less 
> disk seeks thebetter :)
> Jc
If you are running under Linux.. load it up with RAM... the OS will hold 
any recent disk reads in cache... particularly a simple html document 
with a few locally held images. I've watched disk access on some of my 
boxes, some sites serving 1gig per day, and the disk just barely blips 
along... most being served from cache. Linux rules!

John Hinton

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