I would like to do this without using a form...  is there a way I can recode

I have the following table...  the button that originates from a form is out
of alighnment, and sits higher then the rest.  how do I solve this?

  <TD><a href="main.phtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="images/home-bttn.jpg"
   <form action="<?=$PHP_SELF?><?if($QUERY_STRING){ echo"?".
$QUERY_STRING;}?>" method="POST">
   <input type="image" src="images/cs-bttn.jpg" value="Customer Service"
name="CS" >
  <TD><IMG src="images/rating-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><IMG src="images/batch-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><IMG src="images/admin-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><a href="logoff.php" target="_top"><IMG src="images/logoff-bttn.jpg"

Jeff Bluemel

Jeff Bluemel
office (307) 787-6962
cell (307) 780-6962
fax (307) 787-6963

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