ok - I'm looking at the code you posted, and I'm following some of it, but
not all of it.  let me tell you what I am trying to accomplish.

I like the code you posted below, but I don't believe I am understanding it
well enough to implement it.

I have this 'clickable image'.  when I click the image I want to reload the
same page, but set a variable which will add more items to the menu in the
form of an if statement.   I tried to solve it with the following code
instead of a form (I like they way you are using the link's there - is there
a good howto on web variables, and more details on that type of code? - I've
looked through what I can find, but doesn't make much sense still)

  <TD><a href="main.phtml" target="_top" onclick="<? $_SESSION['link'] =
'CS'; ?>"><IMG SRC="images/cs-bttn.jpg" border="0"></a></TD>

this code sets the variable evertime the page is loaded instead of just

here is my original code as it was originally coded.

<TITLE>DomIntCom Web Access</TITLE>
<TABLE style="width:100%;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >

  <TD><a href="main.phtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="images/home-bttn.jpg"
   <form action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>" method="POST">
   <input type="image" src="images/cs-bttn.jpg" value="Customer Service"
name="CS" >
  <TD><IMG src="images/rating-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><IMG src="images/batch-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><IMG src="images/admin-bttn.jpg"></TD>
  <TD><a href="logoff.php" target="_top"><IMG src="images/logoff-bttn.jpg"
 IF (isset($_POST['CS']))
 { ?>
  <TD><IMG src="images/green.jpg" border="0"></TD>
  <TD><a href="cs/ppin.phtml" target="contents"><IMG src="images/ppin.jpg"
  <TD><a href="cs/pin.phtml" target="contents"><IMG src="images/pin.jpg"
  <TD><a href="cs/pani.phtml" target="contents"><IMG src="images/pani.jpg"
  <TD><a href="cs/ani.phtml" target="contents"><IMG src="images/ani.jpg"
  <TD><IMG src="images/green.jpg" border="0"></TD>
  <? unset($_POST['CS']); ?>
 <? }

"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Alignment of elements in a table or form is really a HTML/CSS question.
> Just to make matters worse, I have problems with aligning in IE, but not
> NN... so perhaps there is no way to get it all working... try a HTML or
> group.
> Instead of a form, you could just have a clickable image, with any vars
> need in GET, not POST:
> ."&"}?>myvar=myvalue"><IMG SRC="images/cs-bttn.jpg" border="0"></a>
> or perhaps what you want in your case is:
> <A HREF="<?=$PHP_SELF?>?<?if($QUERY_STRING){ echo $QUERY_STRING ."&"}?>CS=
> Customer Service"><IMG SRC="images/cs-bttn.jpg" border="0"></a>
> ????
> Depends what you want to achieve on the next page.
> Justin French
> on 08/10/02 11:13 AM, Jeff Bluemel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I would like to do this without using a form...  is there a way I can
> > this?
> >
> > I have the following table...  the button that originates from a form is
> > of alighnment, and sits higher then the rest.  how do I solve this?
> >
> > <TD><a href="main.phtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="images/home-bttn.jpg"
> > border="0"></a></TD>
> > <TD>
> > <form action="<?=$PHP_SELF?><?if($QUERY_STRING){ echo"?".
> > $QUERY_STRING;}?>" method="POST">
> > <input type="image" src="images/cs-bttn.jpg" value="Customer Service"
> > name="CS" >
> > </form>
> > </TD>
> > <TD><IMG src="images/rating-bttn.jpg"></TD>
> > <TD><IMG src="images/batch-bttn.jpg"></TD>
> > <TD><IMG src="images/admin-bttn.jpg"></TD>
> > <TD><a href="logoff.php" target="_top"><IMG src="images/logoff-bttn.jpg"
> > border="0"></a></TD>
> >
> > --
> > Jeff Bluemel
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jeff Bluemel
> > office (307) 787-6962
> > cell (307) 780-6962
> > fax (307) 787-6963
> >
> >

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