On Saturday, November 02, 2002 11:07 AM, I wrote

* > I'm having a problem with the is_dir function, or maybe I don't
> how it supposed to work.  I'm using the following code to check whether or
> not a directory called $user_dir exists.  If it exists, I am returned the
> proper message.  But if it doesn't exist, I get the following error
> that says that it doesn't exist. (I already knew that!)

> <ERROR Number="8" Description="Error: &quot;stat failed for
> /home/sites/home/users/demodocs/web/userforum/user
> (errno=2 - No such file or directory)&quot; on line 175 of
> /home/sites/home/users/demo/web/user_forum/messages.php."/

> Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong here, and how to return a
> usable value if the directory doesn't exist.

> $test = is_dir($user_dir);
> if($test){echo "You have a user directory.  It is $user_dir";}
> else{echo "Your user directory doesn't exist";
> return;}

> Thanks a lot.

> Roger Lewis

This is a follow-up to my original posting.
* I did not get an answer as to why is_dir does not return a "false" value;
however, file_exists does the job nicely.  Thanks for all the suggestions.
* Roger

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