I just saw that post...

I feel completely stupid at this point, might I point out.
You're right - register_globals is by default 'on' on this particular server I"m working on (I don't do a lot of PHP work on it), cuz its an older version and I haven't been bothered enough to upgrade it... I haven't tested it on something that has register_globals set to on.

So yes.. indeed my code did absolutely nothing. Who wants to hire me? hah.

Thanks for all the help, though.. I definately learned a few things and got some decent code in return to fiddle with!

Thanks to all, apologies for the brain-death.

Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
At 20:40 06.11.2002, Jason Young spoke out and said:

register_globals is definately off..
Maybe its a PHP miracle, as Ernest suggested.. maybe Rasmus or someone else on the PHP dev team has something to say about it, but it works.. maybe you all could use it :-D

as Chris already pointed out, this code doesn't do what you intend to do.
You don't get an error because you do not access the variable name directly
- at least not the variable your code generates (which is $0, $1, $2, etc).
If you did you'd get a decent parser error - but unfortunately your data
hides behind these identifiers.

If register_globals is off I have absolutely no idea why you still have
them available. Please recheck your testing code - I'm sure you'll notice
the glitch...

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