Ok, here's another possibly stupid solution. Have you tried (a) setting
a pause (like 2 secs) between when you end writing and include the file
or (b) writing the file, then refreshing the page with a parameter and
including it only then? In the latter case, terminating the script and
refreshing it might cause the o/s to properly flush the file buffers.

Just a couple of thoughts. Hope this helps.

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On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 17:58, Charles Wiltgen wrote:
> Marco Tabini wrote...
> > 1) What OS are you using?
> Linux.
> > 2) Does the file include PHP code?
> Yes.
> > If it contains PHP code, are you sure that there aren't any errors in the PHP
> > code?
> Yes.  The resulting XHTML validates when the include works (more than half
> the time).  The rest of the time, the file is being created correctly but
> not included correctly.
> I've tried to include() and require().  No error is ever generated, I
> suspect because the file exists, and include/require are being called while
> the file is still open (even though I've flushed and closed it).  Shoot.
> -- Charles Wiltgen
> -- 
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