
On 11/13/2002 07:40 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
You are simply not looking at the right presentation.  You are looking at
the pres1 version of Sterling's presentation.  The pres2 version, the one
he actually presented, has sliding bullets everywhere.  Not sure it is
online anywhere right now as we are moving servers around but that is what
the question was about and that is the system everyone has been using
lately.  It is an XML-based system with the ability to render slides into
a number of different formats.  It has nothing in common with the pres1
system you have been talking about.
It is odd that you say that your current presentation tool is there for one year and that Sterling Hughues just use that, but the last presentation of of Sterling Hughes that is from July 2002 uses the version that you say that is old. You seem be contradicting yourself.

Anyway, just like I suggested, if you have a better example, just point the URL, because it will be impossible to evaluate the current possibilities of your presentation tool otherwise.

Manuel Lemos

On 11/13/2002 06:33 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

Nope, it does bullet-by-bullet rendering.  It will either slide in each
bullet or just instantly pop each one up on each key press.
I have tried lots of presentations generated with your tool and I could
not see that working. Maybe it is not a feature that it is intuitive to use.

You are simply about a year behind the times.  If you had been to any
recent conferences you would see the bullet code in use extensively.
Sterling holds the world record for the most sliding bullet points in a
single presentation.
I don't think you are understanding what I mean. For instance, takes
this Sterling Hughes presentation of last July:


Sure it has bullet lists, but there seems to be no single stepping.
Further more, it seems to depend on accessing to the server to present
the each slide.

What I meant is something like this that lets you present the same slide
bullet by bullet, highlighting the current bullet.


Since this is all static HTML, with no need for PHP, Javascript or
frames, it can be given away in a .tar.gz or .zip archive so people can
present it anywhere without any Web server or even an Internet
connection and it can in any HTML browser.

If your presentation tool can generate single stepped bullet
presentations with just static HTML independent of a Web server (or
frames or Javascript for the matter) like Prestimel, may be you need to
show me a better example than the above of Sterling Hughes that is of
this year.

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