At 23:08 19.11.2002, Vincent Vandemeulebrouck said:
>> does anybody know a way to make a distinction
>> between robots and users?
>> should I use the user agent? Or is this not a safe method.
>> If the visitor is a spider/robot I want to include some script
>> containing extra URL's for the robot.
>I am very interested too in this, as I received visits from a site with a
>rather strange user agent (well, at least, that I did not expect) on a web
>site of mine. The user agent was something like
>"SurveyBot/2.2 <a href=\'\'>Whois Source</a>"
>I really don't know how I should generate my pages in this case, what kind
>of stylesheet I should include to make the page correct (if I even have to).
>Anyway, the real question behind is :
>Is there a good way to handle the user agent info?

Any well behaved (!!) robot nowadays identifies itself in the UserAgent
line. Googling for "user agent" I found on page 1, pos.6:

Might be worth a look...

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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