Have you considered using rsync?


Quoting Richard Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

### Hi,
### I am using PHP 4.4.2.. I need a function to copy a file from one server
### to
### another. The src/dst filenames are relative to the Document Root of the
### website, but
### I can build an absolute path name if necessary. I can't use ftp because
### the
### ftp ports are closed on these servers. I would like to use http or ssh
### for
### the file transfer. The application is that multiple files can be copied
### from
### website to website on our various servers. I have been looking around at
### mailing lists, etc but haven't found a function described which does a
### non-ftp inter-IP file copy, only client/server file uploads and ftp
### functions.
### TIA,
### Rich

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