Don't forget that people are very good at coming up with easy to read
displays that a computer will have trouble processing.  I'll include a
lightly sanitized (so I don't get in trouble at work) example below:

- - - - -

W       d       y       f       m       S
h       0       o       s       e       c
y       n       u       c               *
        '               k       in      n
        t       come                    thorpe!

- - - - -

Most people on this list will have little (if any) trouble reading the above
sentence, but find me an algorithm that'll flag it, and you'll have my
undying respect.

        - Theo

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 9:14 AM
To: 'Christopher Raymond'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Filter vulger / controversial words - need word

Hi Christopher,

> I'm wondering if someone has a great source for a master-list 
> of controversial and vulger words that I can use on my site. 
> I would like to pattern match input text against this master-list 
> in order to prevent vulger and controversial words from appearing 
> on my site.

Before you spend ages finding a good list, get the routine working. 

Once you've got the routine working, post it here, because there are many
people who would like to know how to do this properly.

The problems that others have experienced in the past are:

  - what happens with "mis"spellings, e.g. "fsck"?
  - what happens with dodgy formatting, e.g "f s c k"?
  - what happens with words like "Scunthorpe"?

Additionally, from my experience of the mail content filters we use here at
$WORKPLACE, you will also need to be careful not to cause offence by
catching peoples' names. We have a Chinese gentleman as a client with a
surname that could be mistaken for an offensive word - he was not best
pleased to receive a bounce message telling him that his email hadn't been
delivered because he was using profanity.

May I suggest, rather than picking your way through this minefield, you
provide a "report abusive comment" link instead?



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