On 10/7/14 9:47 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Oct 2014, Lester Caine wrote:
>> On 07/10/14 09:45, Lorna Mitchell wrote:
>>>  - joind.in has data that could be re-used on php.net, and we'd be really
>>> pleased to allow/enable this.
>> As long as joind.in is not the only way of adding meetings to the
>> php.net website ... there are a number of similar services, so providing
>> one with 'preferential access' does not seem right?
> It would be the only service where we would get *conference* submissions 
> through. This is not a replacement for our normal calender events.
> cheers,
> Derick

That is still a 'little bit' of a problem Derick, since as it has been
pointed out, there are a number of conferences that have traditionally
listed themselves on php.net/conferences/  (In fact, there is one right
now - ConFoo), that doesn't use joind.in.

While I love joind.in, and wish all conferences used it.  It does seem a
bit -- awkward if we make the *only* way for a conference to appear on
php.net, is if it exists on joind.in.

Now granted.  Someone, like in the case of ConFoo.  Could make a shell
of a joind.in conference for it.  ...  But it would be nice perhaps if
there was still some way to mix in another 'feed' of conferences besides

Paul, you already mentioned that you had planned to be able to add more
sources in the future, so that they could merge together.

How hard would it be for you to add another source, right now, so that
that system was already in place?  If you wanted, you could make it
something simple, like an RSS reader.  And then someone could host a RSS
feed of:  "The extra conferences" somewhere outside of VCS that your
script could just pull from.

That would be a very simple/elegant solution to allowing the edge case
of 'other things' to appear in the /conference/ feed, even if it's not
on joind.in


|   Eli White   |   http://eliw.com/   |   Twitter: EliW   |

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