On 29 Mar, 17:30, "Charlie Moad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/29/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 28 Mar, 20:59, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >      I just started using SDO_XML and it is proving extremely useful.
> > > I just wanted to ask a quick question that someone might know.  I have
> > > several schemas that use qualified elements, so I have to put a prefix
> > > on the element names.  Is there anyway I can force the saved xml to
> > > have a prefix on the default namespace?
> > > Thanks,
> > >      Charlie
> > Hi Charlie, I don't have a difinitive answer for you but looking at
> > the code it looks like this is the way that libxml2 does things so you
> > may be stuck with it for the time being. This is the line from
> > SDOXMLWriter.cpp that writes out the root element:
> > rc = xmlTextWriterStartElementNS(writer, NULL, elementName,
> > elementURI);
> > So it looks like its down to how libxml2 handles the elementName and
> > namespace URI. There may be a way of changing this so I'm hoping one
> > of the SDO experts will jump in if that is the case.
> > I have found the qualification (or not) of elements to be a bit of a
> > minefield.  Can I just check that when you say "force the saved xml to
> > have a prefix on the default namespace?" I assume you are talking
> > about having:
> > <tns:SomeElement xmlns:tn="my namespace"/>
> > as opposed to
> > <SomeElement xmlns="mynamesapce"/>
> > At the root element level.  Is that right?
> That's the gist of it.  I should clarify that the validation problems
> really only pop up when I am required to use qualified attributes.  I
> think a way to address this would be to have a function to bridge to
> DOM.  DOM allows you to control prefixes.  How hard would it be to add
> a new function:
> DOMDocument SDO_DAS_XML::saveDOM(SDO_XMLDocument $xdoc)
> Just writing to a string and file can be somewhat limiting.
> Thanks,
>      Charlie

That's an interesting idea. Would we need to go the other way as well?
Do you know much about the PHP DOM implementation?



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