On Thu, 08 May 2008 15:46:42 +0100, Brice Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My apologies for being vague. I meant 777 as the "lowest common denominator" because it's the "easiest". poMMo is open source software that is meant to be simple to install. The vast majority of users don't know what an "owner" is, let alone the user in which the webserver runs under.

Also, the software (kind of) supports IIS, so I don't like to rely on .htaccess files to accomplish anything.


From the responses received thus far; it looks like PHPTAL does depend on a user-configured writable directory to compile its templates to?

Is it possible to store compilations in a MySQL table -- and get rid of the directory dependence?

By default it uses PHP's sys_get_temp_dir() to get writeable directory and if that fails, falls back to standard temp paths (supports Windows). User doesn't have to configure anything. It should just work on any sane setup. The option is there only for insane setups ;)

Currently it's not possible to store compiled templates in the DB. I applaud your intention of making easily installable application, but I'm not convinced that DB storage is needed and worth the effort. Among other things it would involve use of eval() which makes it impossible for PHP accelerators like APC to cache templates.

You can catch (IMHO very rare) case when server doesn't have writeable temp dir:

if (!is_dir($phptal->getPhpCodeDestination()) || !is_writeable($phptal->getPhpCodeDestination()))
// display setup instructions and/or change configuration with $phptal->setPhpCodeDestination()

regards, Kornel

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