This sounds great, I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks for all your efforts, Kornel!

Kind Regards,

Kornel Lesinski wrote:
I've worked on PHPTAL's internals: fixed loads of bugs, and cleaned up the code.

Some of those changes could break your templates, triggers, custom attributes, etc., so please test it, break it and report any bugs and incompatibilities!

• Improved support for XML namespaces, especially in PHPTAL's internals.
• Improved XML parsing.
• Expressions "see" entities unescaped, i.e. ${php:strlen('"')} gives 1.
• Ability to output HTML5 (templates are still required to be XML).
• Renamed PHPTAL's DOM classes and methods to use terminology closer to W3C's DOM. • Removed all global constants except PHPTAL_DIR (which isn't going anywhere). Configuration is now done via PHPTAL class only.

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