Hi Kriangkrai,

> When I run: (call 'sh "-c" "echo -n 'name: '; read name; echo $name")
> It outputs "name :" and waits for input. I type something (e.g. "abc")
> but nothing echo. I press the Enter key, nothing happens. I press
> Ctrl-J, then it prints "abc".

Hmm, I cannot reproduce it in the same way, but I recognize that this is
a problem in general. In both cases when I either run it without line

   $ bin/picolisp
   : (call 'sh "-c" "echo -n 'name: '; read name; echo $name")
   -> T

or with:

   $ ./p dbg.l
   : (call 'sh "-c" "echo -n 'name: '; read name; echo $name")
   -> T

it immediately returns, meaning that the 'read' got EOF immediately. Not
sure if this is correct behavior.

On the other hand, things like

   : (vi "file")

work well. How is that in your case?

> It works fine, but after returning to PicoLisp prompt, line editing broke.
> How to solve this this problem?

We could either insert setCooked() and setRaw() calls to the child part
of doCall() (not tried), or do it on the Lisp level:

   : (raw NIL) (call 'sh "-c" "echo -n 'name: '; read name; echo $name") (raw T)

This, however, does not show any different bahavior on my system.

What is actually the purpose of that call?

- Alex
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