On Mon, 24 Aug 2009, Henrik Sarvell wrote:

I'm currently fetching data from a Java source which is giving me back
XML (one of the world's biggest poker networks), it looks something
like this:


Everyone who really has to send A LOT of data back and forth ends up
doing something like the above ;-)

No matter what, I still twitch when I see people reinventing the wheel the wrong way like with xml, 
json and stuff. S-exps are way more efficient and easier to parse than all that crap, and pre-date 
(If only it were "predate"...) them. Yet people keep messing with xml, html, json, etc, 
and when one brings s-exps to the discussion, they say "lisp is dead, forget it" or some 
bullshit like that, or just disregard the comment silently and keep doing things the way they have 
been doing them so far.

Anyway, given the above it made me smile reading that article.

It's annoying that good marketing can impose such bullshit on our
industry, I mean we're supposed to be more rational than most people
aren't we?


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Randall Dow<r...@randix.net> wrote:
Must reading for anyone designing data storage!

How XML Threatens Big Data

(and I will add, little data, too.) Anyone for WSDL? What a catastrophe.

Flame bait:
Java was invented (mainly marketed) by Sun in order to increase HW
sales. Most of the big business where I have worked (banks, mobile
telecoms) could do with less than 1/4th (1/10th??) of the HW they have
today, if they used reasonable software. It is all Java, XML, Oracle,
and SOAP. =A0It is very appropriate that Sun is being eaten (for
dessert) by Oracle. Sun started by trying to change the world with
unix but has fallen prey to the mass Java marketing that they started.
(ok, I didn't get all of that out of the article above, but it is my opin=
Flame off!

Alex, I like picolisp and its data storage!
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