Thanks Alex, I'll try it out this weekend!

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Alexander Burger <>wrote:

> Hi Henrik,
> > I've just reviewed
> > again
> in
> > order to move a word index to a separate database file that I want to
> access
> > through the remote/ext mechanism. I know some of the below has been
> That post was a little problematical, as it - as we discussed here (or
> was it in IRC?) recently - contained some errors, most notably the usage
> of the undefined variable 'P'.
> Anyway, after that, I corrected and extended the reference
> documentation, so that I believe that it is now the most accurate and
> up-to-date explanation of the matter.
>   (doc '*Ext)
>   (doc 'remote/2)
> Especially 'remote/2' contains an extensive example. (tested here :)
> The critical part is what is the 'rsrc' function in that example. It
> must provide a list of cons pairs, each with an "out" and an "in"
> function. For now, I would recommend just to use that function, but for
> a production application more robustness is needed, to handle closing or
> failed connections.
> > I've always had a hard time translating examples using ? into something I
> > can use, how would I first do in this case:
> >
> > (solve
> >       (quote @Str Str
> >          (select (@Feeds)
> >             ((title +Feed @Str))
> >             (part @Str @Feeds title)))
> >       @Feeds )
> >
> > If we pretend that the @Feeds were located in a remote DB and the Str
> comes
> > from a form field in the local process?
> The above (local) 'solve' looks all right. However, just as a side note,
> if only a single index (here 'title') is searched, you don't need the
> full machinery of 'select', and a simple 'db' should do:
>   (solve
>      (quote
>         @Str Str
>         (db title +Feed @Str @Feeds) )
>      @Feeds )
> Assuming the above 'rsrc' and '*Ext' from the reference, the
> corresponding remote access would be
>   (solve
>      (quote
>         @Str Str
>         @Rsrc (rsrc)
>         (remote (@Feeds . @Rsrc)
>            (db title +Feed @Str @Feeds) ) )
>      @Feeds )
> That is, you just embed the normal Pilog query into a 'remote' call.
> With 'select' it would be
>   (solve
>      (quote
>         @Str Str
>         @Rsrc (rsrc)
>         (remote (@Feeds . @Rsrc)
>             (select (@Feeds)
>               ((title +Feed @Str))
>               (part @Str @Feeds title) ) ) )
>      @Feeds )
> > (collect 'word '+WordCount W W 'article)
> >
> > What would the above have to look like if the +WordCounts are located
> > remotely?
> You mean, without using Pilog? Then you can also send the executable
> s-expr directly. I'll try it here with the 'app' demo:
>   : (setq Sock (connect "localhost" 4040))
>   -> 17
>   : (out Sock (pr (list 'collect ''nr ''+Item 2 5 ''nr)))
>   -> (collect 'nr '+Item 2 5 'nr)
>   : (in Sock (rd))
>   -> (2 3 4 5)
> > really applicable, a simple custom handler is better. But how do I build
> it?
> > The following is from the article linked to above:
> >
> > (task (port 4000)  # Set up the object server in the background
> >          (when (setq Sock (accept @))
> >             (unless (fork)  # Child process
> >                (task P)
> >                (close P)
> As this is not correct (see above), better use the example in the
> reference of '*Ext'. It is also a little bit simpler.
> >                (in Sock
> >                   (let Data (rd)
> >                      (setArticleWords (car Data) (cdr Data))))
> While this would work, it would tie the server to a single special
> purpose. I would go with the above "standard" server, and just send the
> whole command (like the 'collect' example above).
> On the local machine, let's assume that the variable 'Art' holds an
> article that was received from the remote machine with one of the above
> methods ('remote' query, or direct call). Then you can do
>   (out Sock (pr 'setArticleWords (lit Art) "Data String"))
> The 'lit' is necessary to have the article quoted (and not evaluated) on
> the remote side.
> Also, you need to read the result after each command, with
>   (in Sock (rd))
> because the server is set up in such a way that it always sends a
> result. If I want to avoid that, I sometimes also set up a server task
> that doesn't return anything. This has the advantage that the process
> sending the command doesn't have to wait for the answer, so the
> throughput is higher.
> > On IRC we were discussing remote put> et. al. and you wrote down some
> > examples, care to do it again?
> The above 'setArticleWords' might be replaced by a simple
>   (out Sock (pr 'put!> (lit Art) "Data String"))
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --

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