I'll see what I can do, thanks for the help and happy holidays!

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:
> Hi Henrik,
>> So I've tried the remote pilog stuff out now (better late than never).
> Good :)
>> I've attached a simple project (needs to be extracted to
>> /opt/picolisp/projects/).
>> Very cool stuff, indeed.
>> You start by running:
>> /p projects/remote-test/remote.l -go 1
>> /p projects/remote-test/remote.l -go 2
>> /p projects/remote-test/main.l
> Please let me first post two general notes:
> 1. The 'p' script was deprecated some time ago, and doesn't come with
>   the PicoLisp releases any longer.
>   The recommended startup command is 'pil', with an optional '+' at the
>   end of the command line for debug mode. Then you don't need to load
>   "dbg.l" and "lib/debug.l".
>   "lib/misc.l" is automatically included, so that only "@lib/http.l"
>   must be explicitly loaded in the first lines of "remote.l" and
>   "main.l".
> 2. Since earlier this year, it is necessary to call 'tell' after an
>   explicit 'sync' (see "doc/refS.html#sync"). So line 18 in "remote.l"
>   holds the expression
>               (while (rd)
>                  (sync)
>                  (tell)
>                  (out Sock
>                     (pr (eval @)) ) ) )
>> I have three questions:
>> 1.) The result of insertTestData on line 50 in main.l is that only it
>> manages to insert Jane and John in the remotes, it's as if they need
>> to be wakened up by the first query that fails, any idea of why this
>> happens and how to prevent it?
> This is a synchronization problem. As I have pointed out before, the
> parent process has the duty of coordinating the communication between
> the child processes, and should do as little other work as possible.
> Everything, from DB manipulations to GUI interfacing, should be done in
> child processes.
> For that reason, the 'go' function traditionally calls (rollback)
> immediately before starting the main event (usually (wait)), so that
> every spawned child process gets a virgin environment, without possibly
> cached object's inherited from the parent.
> However, in 'go' in "remote.l", you have
>   ...
>   (pool (pack *DbDir *IdxNum))
>   (rollback)
>   (mapc show (collect 'uname '+User))
>   (task (port (+ *IdxNum 4040))
>   ...
> The problematic line here is the 'collect'. It causes the parent to
> pollute its cache with objects from the DB. Especially, this contains
> the *DB root object. As a result, each child starts with this pre-cached
> and partially filled root object.
> I would write 'go' as
>   (pool (pack *DbDir *IdxNum))
>   (mapc show (collect 'uname '+User))
>   (task (port (+ *IdxNum 4040))
>      (let? Sock (accept @)
>         (unless (fork)
>            (in Sock
>               (while (rd)
>                  (sync)
>                  (tell)
>                  (out Sock
>                     (pr (eval @)) ) ) )
>            (bye) )
>         (close Sock) ) )
>   (forked)
>   (rollback) )
> i.e. move down the (rollback), and take care that the parents doesn't do
> anything else than calling (wait) after that.
>> 2.) This is OT but I noticed that +Key (which the reference says is
>> unique) is not respected, I am able to insert several John for
>> instance.
> Right. '+Key' maintains a unique index. If you do two inserts into that
> tree, with the same key but two different values, the second one will
> remain.
> Consistency of objects referred to by that tree and their values are
> handled at higher levels. For example, the GUI will check that, and
> won't allow the user to give a value to an object which is already
> indexed by some other object.
>> Is (request) the only way to get around this or? This has
>> probably been discussed on a number of earlier occasions but
>> unfortunately my memory is weak.
> Yes. 'request' and 'new' are different in this regard. 'request'
> basically first searches for the key combination, and uses the existing
> object if found, otherwise calls 'new'.
> If you call 'new' two times with the same key value, you'll get two
> objects and an inconsistent index. (dbCheck) will indicate an error in
> that case.
>> 3.) How much work would it be to implement put!>> and lose!>> that
>> somehow infers where an object comes from in order to perform those
>> operations? It seems to me there are two steps to solving that problem
> Not sure about the concrete case. The interprocess communication
> protocoll must include additional information from the originating
> machine (some key per machine) which can be stored along with the
> object. I don't see that we need some special function like 'put!>>' for
> that.
>> that should not be impossible to overcome, first inferring which
>> server the object belongs to with the help of the file offset, then
>> somehow going back to the original, ie {Y} -> {X} and then executing
>> the put or lose remotely with the help of {X}.
> Yes, this sounds feasible to me, though the above idea of simply passing
> information from the sender might be easier.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --
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