Hi Tomas,

> I have published my implementation of picolisp in java, in case you want
> to compare with your implementation.

Thanks! Great!

It runs without problems.

I'm a little bit surprised, however, that it is so extremely slow.

When I tried this

   (de fibo (N)
      (if (> 2 N)
         (+ (fibo (dec N)) (fibo (- N 2))) ) )
   (fibo 36)

I killed it after one hour :(

For comparison:

   PicoLisp (64-bit)           6 sec
   PicoLisp (32-bit)          11 sec
   ErsatzLisp (Java version)  86 sec

So I tried some smaller arguments:
              java wl    ErsatzLisp   Pil32    Pil64
   (fibo 22) |   25        0.19       0.015    0.016
   (fibo 23) |   45        0.25       0.026    0.024
   (fibo 24) |   69        0.36       0.041    0.039
   (fibo 25) |  122        0.52       0.060    0.063

How can these huge differences be explained?

> And try some examples:
>    $ java wl
>    : (load "swing5.l")

This produces a Celsius/Farenheit dialog. The input field does not
respond, however, and if I press the button it crashes with a
RuntimeException. Can the reason be that I'm usin OpenJDK?

- Alex
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