Hi Jorge,

> It was just an example. I'll have a database recording all the dependencies 
> for each target.
> > 
> >> In that case I would need something like the following to be able to
> >> invoke the shell commands and update the database with the results.
> > 
> > This would indeed make sense, if the shell commands induce a heavy load.
> It does, say we have to invoke in the order of 10000 gcc commands. My
> toy application is a 'make' replacement.


> > Yes, I think so too. If I understand you right, you want to call a
> > number of shell commands (in a batch list), and then store the results
> > in a database. If so, you could use something like that:
> Not exactly, I would prefer not to compose that list in advance. Would
> be good to be able to keep queueing commands while previous commands are
> running.
> My guess is that deciding what to execute next will be time-consuming,
> as soon as it can be determined that a target is ready for execution its
> command should be queued.

I think you can do that easily by with 'fifo', using a global '*Batch'
variable instead of the 'Batch' parameter in

> >   (de processJobs (CPUs Batch)

> I guess an additional step is needed that performs the equivalent of
> my "waitJobs":

Right. This was missing. The remaining running jobs must be waited for.

Taking all that into account, I propose the following solution: We
install a background 'task', which runs, say, every 2 seconds, and
handles all that. We use a global '*Batch' to hold the queue:

   # *Batch

   (task -2000 0                                # Run once every 2 sec
      Slots (need 4 "free")                     # QuadCore
               ((== "free" (car Pos))           # Found a free slot
                  (when (fifo '*Batch)          # Any jobs?
                     (set Pos "busy")           # Yes
                     (later Pos (eval @)) ) )
               ((n== "busy" (car Pos))          # Found a result
                  (msg (car Pos))               # Handle result
                  (ifn (fifo '*Batch)           # More jobs?
                     (set Pos "free")           # No
                     (set Pos "busy")           # Yes
                     (later Pos (eval @)) ) ) ) )
         Slots ) )

It checks the slots every 2 seconds, starts new processes when a free
slot is found, and handles the results if any are available.

We can use 'fifo' to batch a new job:

   (fifo '*Batch '(call "cc" ..))

   : (for X 10 (fifo '*Batch (list '* X X)))
   -> (* 10 10)
   : 1                                      

- Alex
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