Lawrence Bottorff <> writes:

I've got a REPL started in Emacs (called from ELPA version of picolisp major mode with run-picolisp)

The only picolisp-mode i'm aware of that's on an ELPA is my picolisp-mode on MELPA:

As the documentation on that page notes, this mode is not related to the one bundled with PicoLisp[1]. In particular, it does not contain a command `run-picolisp` (such non-namespace-prefixed names are nowadays considered poor ELisp programming style). So it sounds like you're actually using the bundled-with-PicoLisp mode, not the mode available on MELPA, i.e. the former is loaded and shadowing the latter.


[1] For a discussion on why my package on MELPA still has the same name as the one bundled with PicoLisp, cf.

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