No you didn't misunderstand Alex....I guessed the necessity for "for" when
the extracted line gave an error but didn't understand why. Your referral
to "for"s documentation explained though I had to play with some examples
to drum it in :).  Cristophe's examples were very helpful too because
although I suppose I understand "if true then exit for" in the middle of a
loop I need a lot more exposure to the lisp and picolisp way of doing
things. The above discussion between the two of you is certainly giving me
that exposure . Thank you.

On 24 November 2016 at 17:10, Alexander Burger <> wrote:

> Hi Christophe,
> > >> : (T (== 1 1) T)
> > >> !? (T (== 1 1) T)
> > >> T -- Undefined
> >
> > Hi Alex, I'm not sure that you understood Dean's question.
> > Or maybe I didn't understand your answer.
> Not sure. I hope I didn't misunderstand ;)
> > What Dean did:
> > To understand your definition of mmbr, Dean extracted this line:
> > (T (== 1 1) T)
> > from the «for». Bad luck, the «for» function is what is called in some
> lisps
> > a «special form»: its arguments are not evaluated.
> > I think that in picoLisp it's called an f-expression.
> Right. An "FEXPR function", to be exact.
> However, the expressions in the *body* of 'loop', 'for' and other flow
> functions are normal s-expressions evaluated the normal way, one after
> the other, *but* with special handling if the CAR is T or NIL (exit
> conditions).
> > and done «manually».
> >
> > Some examples in picoLisp:
> >
> > : (de f (x) x)  # could have been defined with setq or set
> Side note, Please don't forget upper case here! (de f (X) X)
> > The «for» function kind of inspects its args to find «clauses»
> > and treat them specially, not as usual function calls.
> > That's why brutally extracting them from
> > the «for» construct doesn't work.
> Exactly.
> > An example of this kind is the «let» construct:
> >
> > : (let (X "Hello" Y "world") (prinl X " " Y))
> > Hello world
> > Here X is not a function but a symbol to which "Hello" is bound.
> Yes, 'let' is good example.
> In summary: As data and code are equivalent, it depends on the context
> what it is.
> ♪♫ Alex
> --

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