Hi Lindsay.

What do You think about:
  : [load "frac.l"]  #
https://gist.github.com/DKordic/6016d743c4c124a1c04fc12accf7ef17 Not
usable yet :) .
  : (/ 10 -15)
  -> (/ -2 3)

Maybe `recur' should also be mentioned in ``Jump anywhere'' task.

Hi Rowan.

[de help: [Sym Txt]
  [def Sym 'help: Txt] ]

[help: "`prop'erty is clearly better than a txt in `prg' if it should
be extracted by a procedure.  "
  [de help [Sym]
    "I prefer even this over Reader Comments (``#'').  "
    [get Sym 'help:] ] ]
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