Very interesting! It will take me a while to digest all of that though =)

Side note: I had to look up the square bracket use. I did not realize you
could do that in picolisp. The semantics are different but it reminded me
of the code in the "Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual" (
I've only worked through the first 3 sections of that in detail, but it
really helped me to get a handle on some key lisp concepts. At least to me,
the functions the author defines there for manipulating sets are
brilliantly succinct.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Danilo Kordic <>

> Hi Lindsay.
> What do You think about:
>   : [load "frac.l"]  #
> Not
> usable yet :) .
>   : (/ 10 -15)
>   -> (/ -2 3)
> Maybe `recur' should also be mentioned in ``Jump anywhere'' task.
> Hi Rowan.
> [de help: [Sym Txt]
>   [def Sym 'help: Txt] ]
> [help: "`prop'erty is clearly better than a txt in `prg' if it should
> be extracted by a procedure.  "
>   [de help [Sym]
>     "I prefer even this over Reader Comments (``#'').  "
>     [get Sym 'help:] ] ]
> --

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