On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 07:56:32PM -0800, Christopher Howard wrote:
> The lines...
> write(3, "ver\n", 4)                    = 4
> read(3, "ver\n", 8192)                  = 4
> ..are where I have prinl'd "ver" to the dev file and got it echoed back.

Yes, as observed.

> I do not know what...
> read(3, 0x9f0148, 8192)                 = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted

Here it hangs in the next read. The first read returned only 4 bytes (as seen
from the "= 4" return value) despite 8 KiB were requested, but then no more data

Perhaps the opposing side doesn't flush() after writing? Or some tty or USB
driver doesn't? In any case, this seems not under the control of this PicoLisp

♪♫ Alex

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