Wouldn't we need to link the update to the 'upds relation of Task?

This does not quite work :(

(menu "Tasks"

   (idForm ,"Tasks" '(choTsk) 'nr '+Tsk T '(may Delete) '((: nr))


      (<grid> 2

         "Name" (gui '(+E/R +Cue +TextField) '(nm : home obj) "Name" 40)

         "Desc" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(dsc : home obj) 40)

         "Update" (gui '(+TextField) 30)

         (gui '(+Button) "Update"

              '(new! '(+Update) 'dsc (val> (field -1))) ) )


      (gui '(+Set +E/R +Chart) '((L) (filter bool L)) '(upds : home obj) 1

        '( (U I) (with U (list (: dsc) )) )

        '( (L U)   (cond

                       (U (put!> U 'dsc (car L)) (and (; U dsc) U)  )

                       (L (new! '(+Update) 'dsc (car L))))))

      (<table> NIL NIL

         '((NIL "Updates"))

         (do 8

            (<row> NIL

               (gui 1 '(+View +TextField) 30)


On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 9:53 AM Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>

> Hi Kashyap,
> > I added index to +Update and the UI started giving me a drop down with
> the
> > existing updates. That made me realize that what I really want is for the
> > updates to show up uneditable
> > ...
> >                #(gui 1 '(+Obj +TextField) '(dsc +Update) 30) ))
> >                (gui 1 '(+View +TextField)  30) ))
> Good.
> > And I'd like an additional text field for the new update. The idea being
> > that whenever I update a task I can provide comments in the update. I
> don't
> > suppose I even need a chart in that case. How would I create a textfield
> > and bind it to updates such that it works for adding a new update?
> The most general solution is perhaps a +TextField and a +Button for the
> update.
> The button can do with the text whatever is needed.
> For example, creating a new object:
>    (gui '(+TextField) 30)
>    (gui '(+Button) "Update"
>       '(new! '(+Update) 'dsc (val> (field -1))) )
> or add something to the object in the current form:
>    (gui '(+TextField) 30)
>    (gui '(+Button) "Update"
>       '(put!> (: home obj) 'someProperty (val> (field -1))) )
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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