Hi Kevin,

> Not to derail this thread too much, but a RISC-V port would be a more
> forward-looking prospect.

This is a known issue, and we discussed about it in IRC. Pil64 is unfortunately
not portable to RISC-V. It depends deeply on CPU registers (zero, sign and
carry), which do not exist in RISC-V.

Therefore I'm working on an LLVM-based version, called "pil21". If it works out,
it will replace pil64 in 2021, and it will also solve other portability issues
like MacOS and iOS.

> available yet that can run a proper Linux; for now, qemu can be used for
> emulation.

Most important for today's application use cases is Android. Here pil64 / arm64
runs like a charm.

> In terms of the growing hobbyist/robotics/IoT field, a PilOS port to
> AArch64 (RISC also) like Raspberry Pi would help gain inertia in that

True. Perhaps here too LLVM might help?

☺/ A!ex

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