my vote to go for GPL and readline. As you said compatibility is guaranteed
and everybody knows it.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 9:23 AM Alexander Burger <>

> Hi all,
> at yesterday's PilCon it turned out that pil21 has a serious licence
> problem.
> A major design decision of pil21 was to use readline(3) instead of the
> self-
> rolled @lib/led.l from pil64/pil32.
> The reason was compatibility with the rest of the world (readline supports
> both
> vi- and emacs-mode right out of the box, uses the same ~/.inputrc as bash
> and
> other tools, and everybody is used to it), and high configurability.
> I took a look at editline() / libedit. Very different API! It does not
> even use
> ~/.inputrc but requires a separate ~/.editrc.
> I don't see that it supports all the features pil21 needs (hooks to various
> functions for signal handling, background tasks and display control (see
> pil21/src/lib.c).
> Better go back to GPL with pil21?
> I'm getting fed up with these licence wars!
> ☹/ A!ex
> --

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