On 05.11.21 08:41, Alexander Burger wrote:
>> to undo that action I need to press 'u' twice.
>> Ideally 'u' would undo everything that happened in the command's prg body.
> I think this is difficult. I know about this issue, e.g. when 'pipeN' is used 
> (I
> use F4 a lot, e.g. when formatting this mail). But each if the involved micro
> operations does its own undo/redo stack manipulation. I decided to live with 
> it,
> and it felt not wrong after I got used to it, as it undoes the involved steps
> explicitly one after the other and makes clear what happens.

So each operation would kind of declare (in a globale?) that a
command-"transaction" has started,
and declare when it has ended, so all operations in between can be
somehow flagged accordingly.

Then there could be a secondary set of undo/redo operations (or a single
operation to change the mode between micro/macro)
to reset a "macro- peration" (or "transaction" in DB-speak) consisting
of multiple micro operations.

Would this be feasible? Needs some additional bookkeeping of course.

just an idea,
- beneroth

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