Hi Kevin,

> I'm getting strange results with the following:
> ...
> : (scl 16)
> -> 16
> : (setq Ptr (%@ "malloc" 'P 4))
> -> 9674752
> : (struct Ptr NIL (list -1.0 1280.0))
> -> NIL
> : (format (car (struct Ptr '(-1.0 . 1))) *Scl)
> -> "-103.5058256155770880"
> ...
> The value seems completely off; the examples for 'struct work fine.

It is a floating point range problem.

The IEEE 'float' type cannot support such high precision (16 digits).

If you do

   (setq Ptr (%@ "malloc" 'P 4))
   (scl 7)
   (format (struct Ptr -1.0 (-1.0 123.0)) *Scl)
   -> "123.0000000"

it works fine, but for higher scales it more and more disintegrates, as in your
example above.

Using IEEE 'double' helps for a while

   (setq Ptr (%@ "malloc" 'P 8))
   (scl 15)
   (format (struct Ptr 1.0 (1.0 123.0)) *Scl)
   -> "123.000000000000000"

but no longer for 16

   (scl 16)
   (format (struct Ptr 1.0 (1.0 123.0)) *Scl)
   -> "7.7078495393153024"

☺/ A!ex

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