Hi Kevin, hi all,

On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 09:40:51PM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
> The conversion function can easily detect the type (short or big) when
> converting to float, and overflow to bignum if necessary when converting back
> to PicoLisp numbers.
> This should really be fixed ... I check it next weekend.


Now (version 21.12.12), 'native', '%@' and 'struct' accept bignums for floating
point arguments, and overflow to bignums for large floating point return values.

   : (scl 16) (load "@lib/math.l")

   : (pow 2.0 3.0)  # This worked before
   -> 80000000000000000

   : (round @)
   -> "8.000"

   : (pow 100.0 100.0)  # This did not work
   : (round @)

   : (exp 200.0)

   : (log @)
   -> 2000000000000000000
   : (round @)
   -> "200.000"

Also, it returns now 'T' for values too large to be represented as a floating
point number (i.e. "infinite"), and 'NIL' for too small values.

   : (pow 1000.0 1000.0)
   -> T

   : (exp 1000.0)
   -> T

Note that for the scale there is still a maximum of 18 (i.e. a short number for
the specification 1.0). IEEE 'double' support only 15 digits anyway.

☺/ A!ex

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