Hi Thorsten,

> I looks actually as designed:
> in function baseHRef in http.l is this line
>     (or Port (if *SesId *Port *Port1))
> and *Port1 is the Computername.

Correct, though not the Computername.

IFF the PicoLisp server is started behind a httqGate, the "port" is the
application name. For example, on picolisp.com, the httpGate config file has a

   wiki 5000 app /home/app log/wiki pil21/pil wiki/main.l @lib/app.l -main 
patch.l -go -wait +

so that httpGate translates "wiki" in requests to 5000.

The question is how this happens in your setup:

*Port1 is assigned in the 'server' function from the "NAME" environment
variable. So I suspect $NAME is set in your env to the machine's name, and not
overridden by httpGate. That would explain it!

You could unset NAME in your shell before starting PicoLisp, or (even better)
use httpGate.

☺/ A!ex

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