Hi Arthur,

No, we are not archiving internal emails between users. Our regulations only 
dictate that emails in and out of the organization should be archived.

You are correct, passing the email from internal servers to the MTA and 
hairpinning them back is a rather odd way of handling email, and the the mail 
server itself will handle the routing internally. However, it's not difficult 
to have the the mail server BCC the email to the archiving address on Piler to 
archive those emails. If a dupe shows up, Piler will handle it as such. The MTA 
in this case could be bypassed.

Steve Miller
Sr. Systems Administrator
NACA – National Office | Boston, MA

-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Emerson [mailto:arthur.emer...@msmc.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2015 10:24 AM
To: piler-user@list.acts.hu
Subject: Re: New Install issues


I have a question regarding your diagram.  Are you archiving
internal->internal email with this setup?  Every mail server that I
have worked with over the years would do local delivery if it could, and not 
pass the message up to the MTA without a lot of arm-twisting.
If you had to do something special, it should probably be noted in the diagram.

I haven't been following Warren's thread, but am baffled about why he chose to 
set up a virtual domain on his mail server instead of just forwarding the mail 
to Piler as SMTP?  It has been a while since I read the Piler docs, but my 
impression was that the POP stuff was only there for importing old messages 
into a new Piler install...not as the primary interface method...


Arthur Emerson III                 Email:      emer...@msmc.edu
Network Administrator              InterNIC:   AE81
Mount Saint Mary College           MaBell:     (845) 561-0800 Ext. 3109
330 Powell Ave.                    Fax:        (845) 562-6762
Newburgh, NY  12550                SneakerNet: Aquinas Hall Room 008-A

On 12/1/15, 8:29 AM, "Steve Miller" <smil...@naca.com> wrote:

>Just as a thought, since I'm a bit confused to the setup that Warren is 
>talking about, here's a link to a PDF explaining how Mailpiler is set up in my 
>network. It's generalized of course, so this can be applied to any network 
>that uses Mailpiler.
>Steve Miller
>Sr. Systems Administrator
>NACA – National Office | Boston, MA

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