I was testing master commit fb9150f and upgrade from sphinx 2.2 to
3.3.1. according to piler manual, I need to reindex everything.
so I install a new machine. copy /var/piler and /var/lib/mysql to
new machine and do procedure below:
rm -f /var/piler/sphinx/*
runuser -u piler -- indexer --all --config /etc/piler/sphinx.conf
cd /var/piler/tmp
runuser -u piler -- reindex -a (why this command didn't need to
specify /etc/piler/sphinx.conf?)
I found I can not understand what happened.
the size at old system:
/var/piler/sphinx => 300MB
/var/lib/mysql/piler/sph_index.ibd => 22M
the size at new system after reindex:
/var/piler/sphinx => 89M, which didn't change at all at the reindex process
/var/lib/mysql/piler/sph_index.ibd => become 1.9GB
/var/piler/tmp => 17G, the same size as /var/piler/store
so the whole process seems extract mails from /var/piler/store to
/var/piler/tmp, and write to mysql.
I don't know is this behavior correct? why reindex touch nothing at
/var/piler/sphinx and why mysql db become so huge.
I try to open piler web UI and do some mail search, it seems working
fine, but I am still confused.
thanks a lot for help!!