Hi all,

Last year I went to england with a pinhole camera. I
must say I love the images, but the actual process
wasn't so fun.

I enjoyed using the pinhole camera, but didn't like
hauling the camera, polaroid back, film holders and
the portable changing tent everywhere we went. I
brought 5-6 film holders with me and a few boxes for
exposed film. At the end of it all it was worth it,
but I'm planning another trip and would love to hear
any advice on how to make this a lighter load to

I thought about getting a pinhole bodycap for a 35mm
camera, but I really love using 4x5 film, and polaroid
film too.


Catherine Just

Catherine Just Photography
Weddings~Portraits~Fine Art

"Don't just state your intent, Live it." ~Jerry Seiner Jr.

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